Send a report with the outmost confidentiality.

What can be reported

The reports that are considered relevant refer to the behaviours, risks, offences, irregularities that can damage natural or legal persons or that can damage the public interest.

Since there is not an exhaustive and unambiguous list of offences that can be the subject of a report, the report can refer to actions or omissions, committed or attempted, that are:

  • Breaches of law;
  • Violation of Code of Conduct or other company rules;
  • Events affecting the purity of the Company's financial statements
  • Likely to cause financial harm to the legal entity or any other public body;
  • Likely to cause damage to the reputation of the company;
  • Likely to cause harm to the health or safety of the employees, the business partners and the citizens or to cause damage to the environment;
  • Violation of personal rights, e.g: discrimination, harassment

Personal complaints, claims that fall under the regulation of the employment relationship are not subject to the whistleblowing procedure.

The offences reported must concern situations that the whistleblower became aware, directly or indirectly, also by chance.

The reports that are based on suspicion or rumours cannot be considered as deserving of protection, as it is necessary to consider the interests and personal rights of the third parties that are the subject of the information in the report.

Within the frame of the internal whistleblowing system, may have personal data that are essentially necessary for the investigation of the report, and it will be processed solely for the purposes of investigation and elimination of misconduct.

Personal data which are not necessary for handling the reported case should not be included in the report.